Thursday, February 4, 2010

Glorious Day! Behold, a New Ketchup Packet!

To some they are "ketchup packets." To others they are "catsup packets." I call them "ketchup packets," and to be perfectly honest, I would rather not have anyone put them in my bag-o-fast food. Why? Because they're irritating. There's not enough ketchup in one ketchup packet to command the respect of more than 2 french fries. Let alone the fact that you have to daintily have to rip the packet open with your teeth because the grease from your fast food makes tearing them open with your hands impossible. And whilst you rip the packets open with your teeth, you are praying that you're not going to tear the damn packet too far and thus end up with ketchup on your favorite pair of jeans.

Ketchup packet haters rejoice!!! Heinz has finally come to their senses and made some revisions to the old, stupid ketchup packets.

The full press release on this brilliant new concept can be read here, however I can cover the basics: you know the little container you use to dip your nuggets in? Well THAT is what you can now look forward to using for your ketchup purposes. WOOOOOO! The new packets even look like little Heinz Ketchup bottles. And, for those freaks out there who actually enjoy ripping the tops off your ketchup packets and pouring the ketchup out in the lid of your burger box or on your chicken sandwich wrapper, well, you can STILL do that with these nifty little packets. And, as if this news couldn't get any better, there's more than a freakin' pin head's amount of ketchup in these bad boys.

My God. If only there were more little things that got me this stoked ... I'd hardly know what to do with myself.

I think we'll have to wait little while for them to be available on the market, but I can't wait for the day when I can go to a drive through and, when the nice person at the window asks if I want ketchup, I can answer with a resounding, "Yes!"

- The Incident

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