Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Quitting Your Job In This Economy

Over the past few days, it has come to my attention that, despite being in a ridiculously shitty economy and job market, people are still quitting their jobs. This makes me feel a little bit better as I recently quit my previous job without a backup plan.

I'm going to be honest here for a second. The experience has been scary at times, but I think the worst part was the tremendous amount of guilt I experienced. I felt guilty because I had a job and, no matter how miserable I was in that job, I didn't feel justified in quitting because there were so many other people out there who needed employment. My mind kept telling me I should have been grateful for even having a job in the first place. Finally I had to come to terms with the fact that I didn't need to feel guilty about quitting my job. Somewhere along the line, I had forgotten that I needed to make myself a priority and that quitting my job was the right thing to do.

It seems to me that there are two different trends in the current job market. There are people who desperately need to find employment to pay their bills and take care of their families and would gladly take any position offered to them. And then there are other people who seem to be reaching their boiling point. In the latter category it feels like some employers are almost taking advantage of the employment climate. As if they suddenly feel like they have the authority to push people to their boiling points, make them work even harder for less pay, and strip them of any semblance of a work/life balance. Because hey, it's not like people are going to quit right now, right?

This makes me pretty angry. We need compassionate employers right now, not "The Devil Wears Prada." It's important in times of financial insecurity, especially when experienced on a national level, that employers take it easy on employees. I know the bottom line is always looming, but let's be realistic. It's going to take at least another year, maybe two, for things to start getting better. And happy employees do better work for their employers. It would seem natural that employers would just fucking accept those facts. "We're not going to have a record breaking year this year," and "Everyone on the team needs to leave on time on Friday because it's stressful enough out there and we'll have a better Monday if people come in after a refreshing weekend." Attention Corporate America: get it through your head.

But I've come across two people in the past two days who have taken quitting to a whole new level. It's usually advisable upon leaving a job to NOT burn any bridges, but I feel like these two folks have thrown that advise to the wayside and have gone out in style.

A young gal, known only as "Jenny" at this point, really went out in style by taking 33 pictures of herself with messages on a white board. She then sent those pictures to her office of about 20 individuals. Those messages detail why she quit. (Click on her name to see the photos. Her facial expressions are priceless!) The fact that she didn't file suit against her boss for referring to her as a "HPOA" is beyond me, but for some reason, I believe she'll come out alright in the end (as the states on her last white board).

Also, please meet Steve Slater. As a flight attendant for JetBlue, it seems that Mr. Slater had his fill on his inbound flight to JFK from Philadelphia. When a passenger hit him in the head with his luggage from the overhead compartment, Mr. Slater demanded an apology. He and the passenger then got into a heated argument which ended with Mr. Slater cussing out the passengers on the plane, grabbing a couple of brewskies from the galley, and deploying the emergency exit slide. He then went down the slide, ran across the tarmac, got into his car, and drove home. Some folks are speculating at this point that Mr. Slater is gunning for a reality TV show of some sort. But as of now, he's in jail and presumably JetBlue has accepted his resignation.

So to those of you out there who think you just can't take another minute of your job and are worried about what may happen if you leave, weigh the pros and cons. While I can guarantee you that there are going to be scary aspects to your decision, remember, you only have one life to live. It's better to spend it being happy.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Real Housewives DC Disgust, Jersey Shore a Must!

It was out of sheer morbid curiosity that I tuned in to Bravo’s “The Real Housewives of DC” last night when it aired. I had seen a snippet of the Michaele Salahi bitch-fest on Access Hollywood earlier in the evening - how Whoopi “grabbed” Michaele and then cussed out her and her neutered husband. “How bad could the show be, really,” I thought to myself.

Really bad. It turns out that it could be really, really bad.

I lived in DC for a bit and have a pretty decent understanding of its inner workings. Essentially, it’s a more politically fueled, less fashionable, and slightly fatter version of New York City. Replace finance with politics … you smell what I’m stepping in? It is an absolutely beautiful town with a rich history, great culture, and diverse population. And those miserable cows are ruining the pristine image of our Nation’s Capital which I hold so close to my heart.

Why the hell is this show called “The Real Housewives” when a number of the cast works/has a career? Isn’t a housewife, by definition, someone who stays at home and makes sure the family is taken care of, etc., etc? (And before any of you start, don’t get on me and tell me that I’m being a pig – I am FULLY aware that being a housewife/homemaker is a VERY difficult and often thankless job!).

One of these women has a biometric lock on her damn walk-in closet because she has a daughter who wears the same size clothes that she does. She doesn’t want her daughter to take her clothes without asking. Newsflash – how about you try being a good mother and tell the little bitch she can’t borrow your $5,000 Dior jacket. Then, when you find out she did it anyway, take her iPod, iPhone, Computer, Internet, TV, Range Rover, and Spa privileges away for a month. I’m willing to bet she’d opt to wear her own little Dior jacket out next time and that way you don’t have to be a freak with a biometric lock on your closet door.

On another note, how the hell can the show be called “The Real Housewives of DC” when only TWO of the cast members live in DC and the rest live in the suburbs of DC? Let’s take it one step further. The freakin’ Salahi’s (who I simply CANNOT stand) live about an hour and a half to two hours away from DC out in Virginia wine country. Wouldn’t a more appropriate title for this show be, “The Real Social Climbers of the Washington Metropolitan Region?”

Because that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? It’s a group of vapid women with significant others on tight leashes who don’t really care for each other, who aren’t very attractive or fashionable, and who crash State dinners so they have cool shots for their Facebook pages.

The fact that the Salahi’s testified before a Congressional panel regarding their attendance at that now infamous State dinner and pleaded the fifth on essentially every question, even when asked “Are you here now,” seems to me that they DID crash that dinner. Because when you do something wrong and you don’t want to incriminate yourself on the stand, you plead the fifth. That these people seemingly have more money than God (at least the show portrays them in that way) and now are considering suing “The View” because the interviewers called them “crashers” and not “alleged crashers” seems disgusting, pathetic, and sad to me.

I actually do enjoy reality television for the most part. I think my readers know that I find Jersey Shore to be quite entertaining. But you know what? I think it’s because those kids are more real than these 40 to 60 somethings who are past their prime and trying to find fame.

The kids of the Jersey Shore took themselves and their “take me or leave me” attitudes down to Miami this season. They act like a family (albeit a bit dysfunctional). They don’t pretend to be something they’re not. I don’t think you’d find Snooki trying to crash a State dinner because, to be perfectly frank, I think she’s got enough class to know that if she doesn’t get a written invitation from the White House, you just don’t show up. Even if a friend says your name is “on the list.” I don’t think you’d find Pauly D putting a biometric lock on his stash of hair product because he’d probably share some with you if you needed it. Ed Hardy may not be haute couture, but all the boys know that there’s a shirt BEFORE the shirt.

So to the Salahi’s, I can’t wait until your 15 minutes are up. Frankly, I thought that time had expired a few months back. To the other women on the DC installment of “Housewives,” don’t you worry about your 15 minutes. It looks like a good deal of people aren’t interested in this go-round of the show. No one is going to remember who you are and I’ve already forgotten your names.

And to you lovable, self-proclaimed Guidos and Guidettes … GTL forever, baby.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Freelance Writing

So recently I've been toying around with doing some freelance writing. I'm funny. I'm entertaining. I have something to say, although I do have to apologize as I see I now have FOUR followers and I haven't posted anything in ages (sorry kids!).

I had seen an ad on Craigslist to be an official freelance writer for a website called "Gather.com." While the site itself makes it very difficult to figure out just what the hell it is you can do there (social networking, blogging?), I finally figured out that it's almost like Facebook, but instead of a page where you just post updates, you can blog stuff and post pictures, etc, etc. The neat thing is that this site will pay you (in gift cards or in cash that you can collect via PayPal) for what you write. In fact, they'll toss one of their OFFICIAL writers anywhere from $2.50 to a whopping $10 per article you write, if said article gets 250 unique views or more. The thought of that is enough to make me pee my pants!

"OK," I thought to myself, "not enough to make me an insta-millionaire, but occasional extra change in my pocket might be nice." But, being a person of slightly above average intelligence, I thought to myself, "Self, where is the catch?" So I turned to the sometimes hard to navigate but always informative "Terms of Service" (or TOS ... to those of you who like to abbreviate).

Quickly skimming along, I see why it is that they offer gift cards and nominal cash offerings. It's an incentive to the average man. Gather.com, essentially, can take anything you write and then pass it off and do with it whatever they please. They don't own it, but they kinda own it (if that makes sense). A brief passage from Gather.com's TOS page:

"Gather does not claim ownership of Content you submit or make available for inclusion on the Service. However, with respect to such Content, you grant Gather a world-wide, royalty free, perpetual, unlimited, and non-exclusive license(s) to use, distribute, reproduce, modify, adapt, create derivative works, publicly perform and publicly display such Content via the Service or on any other Gather property. Gather reserves the right to syndicate the Content submitted, posted, and/or displayed by you and to use that Content in connection with other services offered by Gather. You also hereby grant each user of the Service a non-exclusive license to access your Content through the Service, and to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display and perform such Content as permitted through the functionality of the Service and under the TOS. The foregoing license granted by you terminates once you remove or delete Content from the Service."

I feel bad for people who don't think to read things like that. Because I'm willing to be there are some really talented authors and bloggers who have signed up to be members of that site without reading the TOS (or having read but not truly understanding what the TOS truly means). In fact, Gather.com's home page offers testimonials of members saying things like, "I paid for my summer vacation" and how they "generate a steady income" from Gather.com.

But I'm glad I did read the TOS as I was considering creating a profile and coping over the content from THIS little blog-o-mine and then putting it on their site. OH THE POTENTIAL TRAGEDY!

Nope. I think I'll stay right here for the time being, and spend my days writing my original thoughts for my dedicated fan base and twittering in between. At least these thoughts belong to me!

- The Incident

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Apologies to the Gulf Coast & Ball Bashing of BP

This is an open letter of apology from one humble blogger to the ENTIRE Gulf Coast of the United States of America. Your government seriously failed you during hurricanes Katrina and Rita. You suffered unimaginable losses - lives of people, homes, and a sense of security. But surely your government wouldn't fail you twice! That would be unheard of ...

In 1989, the Exxon Valdez disaster hit Alaska causing a ridiculous amount of damage to wildlife, the coastline, etc, etc. It was the worst oil spill in US history. Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a new winner. BP's spill into the Gulf of Mexico now holds that distinguished honor. And there are just a few questions I have ...

1) How in the hell do you people at BP sleep at night?
2) How can a company who's purpose is to pump OIL from the ground (on land and under sea) NOT have a whole huge fucking book of backup plans in case something goes wrong?
3) If the former President of Shell gasoline goes on TV and discusses a similar scenario that happened in the 90's in the Indian Ocean (I believe it was?), where they brought in Super Tankers that sucked the oily water up, separated oil from water, and put the water back in the ocean, WHY IN THE HELL CAN'T YOU PEOPLE DO THE SAME THING BEFORE MORE COASTLINE IS DESTROYED?
4) How can the Federal Government not have its own book of solutions in case an asinine company such as BP completely fucks up?
5) Do you realize it's more than just a few pelicans and dolphins that are going to be affected by this? I mean, you people do realize that the fisherman who make their living off of the waters of the Gulf are screwed. I mean, they've been screwed since Katrina, really. Since their homes were destroyed and no one has cared enough to help out and REALLY fix things down there. And now they aren't going to be able to support their families. It's not like you can be a shrimp boat captain one day and then, when there's a massive oil leak say, "I really think it's time I took up accounting," and just switch jobs.

I'm sorry, BP, but if one of your rigs explodes and drops that amount of oil into the ocean, it's your fault. You can't blame anyone else. Not the ocean, not Neptune, not a pesky lever that should have been recalled, not the team lead on the rig. In the end, the buck stops with YOU the company.

And you know what? You fuckers better not try and take your sweet ass time blaming someone else and trying NOT to pay the money that you need to pony up to help fix this problem immediately. Louisiana has been shit on enough recently. Christ, a lot of these people don't even have homes still. The touristy areas are back in swing, but walk a few blocks out and you can still see that New Orleans is in dire straights. Don't get on television and try to save face because in the MONTH PLUS that you assholes have been letting oil leak into the ocean because of a problem you were made aware of prior to the explosion on that rig (according to records), you have lost all credibility with the public. You need to pay up and pay up NOW to make things right. And you may want to throw a bone to the families of the 11 people who died on that rig because of your complete and utter incompetence.

And here's a special wish for BP's CEO, the federal regulators who got cozy with big oil, and BP's lawyers. I hope there's a special place in the afterlife for all of you and I'd imagine this place would be a combination of the post office on April 15th and the Department of Motor Vehicles on the last day of the month COMBINED. I hope this bureaucratic purgatory is staffed to the brim with the spirits of every last miserable government employee who spent their days in a constant state of rudeness at every counter. To top it off, I hope that this bureaucratic purgatory is also full of all the types of people who frighten you - people of color, welfare mothers with loud children, homeless people, oh, and the spirit of every last man, woman, child, animal, and fish whose life YOU destroyed by being completely and utterly negligent. And one more thing ... you assholes will stay in this bureaucratic purgatory forever. You'll be in your nicest suit, and your wallet will be endlessly full of $1 bills. And every other person who is in that bureaucratic purgatory will know it. You won't be able to hide your eyes and pretend they don't exist anymore.

I realize that, overall, America is a great nation. But sometimes I get so pissed that we send out help to every last natural disaster and humanitarian crisis on the planet, but we somehow just can't help ourselves.

If you want to help with the ongoing crisis in the Gulf, check out this site where you can report damage as a result of the oil spill and find ways to donate and volunteer. Also check out GreaterGood.org by clicking here as you can donate money to help with the clean up efforts (100% of the money goes to the charity).

So to the people of the Gulf, I am sorry that BP and your government are failing you yet again. This blogger is on your side. And to the people in charge at BP, I hope you all get a raging case of herpes from that hooker that your wife doesn't know about yet (but she will), and I hope you enjoy your time in my delightful little imaginary purgatory.

- The Incident

PS: If you'd like to get a laugh, and before Twitter shuts the account down, follow @BPGlobalPR. It's not the real BP, but the tweets indicate how I'd imagine BP is running things right about now.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


So I signed in a little while ago to start working on a new blog entry and to clean up my layout a bit. You know, I figured if I wanted to be all fancy pants with this blogging thing, I should have a button on my blog for people to click on to follow me on Twitter. (Side bar: I am now completely addicted to Twitter and regularly kill my cell battery due to refreshing to see what my delightful 92 followers are up to!)

But lo and behold, upon my signing in, Blogger tells me that I have ::pause for dramatic effect:: a FOLLOWER. Not just a Twitter follower, but a blog follower!

So a BIG shoutout to follower numero uno, Jeff! Welcome to the wonderful world of The Incident. It's a pleasure to have you aboard this crazy ride! And thanks for the follow on Twitter too. If you ever have a topic that you'd like me to try and tackle here on The Incident Report, let me know.

OK. Fine. I know what you other skeptical bastards are thinking. "Come on, Incident, it's one person." Well go ahead you other people who stumble upon my blog and see this entry and laugh at me. But, to a novice blogger trying to find their way in this crazy thing the kids are calling the inter-web, having one person follow my BLOG, not just following me on Twitter, is a freaking honor. I now have a captive audience of AT LEAST one that I know I'm writing for. And that makes me want to keep writing.

To all you other novice bloggers out there, here's hoping you get your first Jeff.

- The Incident